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Category: Market Insights

Is It a Good Time to Invest in Real Estate
US Housing Market Current Investment Outlook The real estate market is a fundamental pillar of personal wealth in the United States, consistently demonstrating its prowess over the long term. In recent years, real estate investments ...

QQQ Annual Returns: Small Progress, Big Wins
Your Best Tech ETF for Long Term In the world of money matters, like with QQQ Annual Returns, things often go against what we might expect. Instead of relying on a few big wins, success ...

How to Use Leverage in Trading
Exploring the Ideal Market Portfolio If you’ve explored economics or finance, you’ve likely encountered the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), a pivotal concept often discussed in the realm of leverage in trading. The essence of ...

Understanding the Time Lag in FED Inflation Policy
Imagine the Federal Reserve (FED) as the conductor of a financial orchestra, trying to keep inflation in harmony. One important note in their song is the “time lag.” In this article, we look at why ...

Oil Price Projections: The S-Curve, EVs, and the Future of Energy
If I could turn back time 20 or 30 years, one concept I’d want to grasp sooner is the S-Curve. Understanding the S-Curve and its implications on oil price projections would have been invaluable. The ...

EURUSD Forecast: The Road to 1.20 Level and Beyond
In this EURUSD Forecast September 2023, we revisit our prior examination, initially discussed in the article EURUSD Forecast: Is the EUR finally out of the Woods? Our earlier assessment provided insights suggesting that the Euro ...

Opinion: The Federal Reserve Needs to Be Regulated
A Call for Accountability, Transparency, and Global Foresight First, let’s start with some history – The Federal Reserve (the Fed) was established in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act after a series of market crashes, ...

Inflation Rate Predictions: Analyzing the 10-Year Breakeven Rate
If you have gambled on sports or even just filled a March Madness bracket, gaining insights into the uncertainties of life, including the unpredictability of future events, is inevitable. Among the areas riddled with uncertainty, ...

How Implied Volatility Affects Stock and Bond Prices
Your best indicator for anticipating future asset price action As a former options market maker with a robust background in analyzing asset prices and implied volatility, I’ve realized the intricate relationship between these two factors. ...

Impact of Fitch Downgrade on US Debt and Markets
What are the credit rating trends and long-term implications? If you are an active trader or an investor, you are likely aware of the recent Fitch downgrade that took place on August 1st, 2023. Fitch ...