You’ve heard a lot about wearables, you’ve read more than you ever wanted to read about drones and that conference you went to wouldn’t stop dropping the buzzword phrase “Internet of Things.”
Those are among the most overhyped sectors of tech. But what about the most underhyped tech sectors?
First Round Capital surveyed 869 tech entrepreneurs to get their opinions on how overhyped or underhyped each tech sector is.
Agtech, Life Sciences and Security round out the top three most underhyped tech sectors according to the report, which was then put into graphic form by Visual Capitalist.

Agricultural tech comes in as the No. 1 most underrated tech sector, with 57% of entrepreneurs calling it underhyped, and just 6% calling it overhyped. Goldman Sachs went so far as to name veggie burgers among the future’s most exciting technologies, citing issues with traditional meat production, including efficiency, sustainability, environmental concerns, and the greater demand that will be needed to meet consumption growth in emerging markets. And agricultural technology isn’t just there to make your food better. To reduce carbon emissions, the aviation industry is working to turn sugarcane into fuel for jet travel.

Meanwhile, virtual reality takes the cake for most overhyped technology, as agreed upon by 65% of the entrepreneurs who were polled. Virtual reality was named one of MarketWatch’s six gadgets NOT to buy in 2018, citing analysts who say there still isn’t all that much one can do with virtual reality yet.

Other technologies that have entrepreneurs mixed on whether or not they are overhyped include blockchain, space and autonomous vehicles.
Article and media originally published by Sally French at