October 25, 2022

Alaric Securities announces the listing of EUR35MM corporate secured notes on LuxSE

Alaric Securities

The EU broker-dealer is the leading and exclusive manager of the issue

Luxembourg, October 20, 2022 – E.U. licensed broker-dealer Alaric Securities and Luxembourg-registered asset securitization vehicle Prudentia Sàrl announced their first successful joint public listing of a corporate bond issue on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSe).

The total amount of the issue is EUR 35 million, divided into 35,000 units, each of which has a nominal value of EUR 1,000. The loan matures on June 9, 2029, at a fixed interest rate of 4.5%.

The issue is admitted for listing and trading on the professional segment of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange regulated market. The professional segment is open only to qualified investors in the sense of the MiFID II requirements.

The bond issue aims to provide the necessary financing to a Bulgarian-based leasing company for the targeted acquisition of assets in the aviation industry.

“We are happy that our efforts have been crowned with success. We believe that more companies will trust us to place bond issues on the international financial markets,” commented Nikolay Stoykov, managing director of Alaric Securities. “The advantages of such financial instruments are many. In short, it enables fast, flexible, efficient, and affordable financing of new projects, purchasing assets to increase current income, or acquiring a new business. Securitized debt issues allow international investors to participate in financing companies based or operating in countries with less developed market infrastructure,” he added.

“The successful listing for trading of the issue is a testament to the quality and professionalism of our team, which has many years of experience in structuring bond issues and investment products and solutions. Luxembourg is the world’s second-largest financial center for investment products after the US. Our mission is to provide as many as possible quality European companies with access to financing and a wide range of potential international investors.” – shared George Rimpeff, executive director of the asset securitization vehicle- Prudentia S.a.r.l.

Luxembourg is a renowned financial center, which is particularly active in the debt segment of the capital markets. As a result of a favorable legal and tax framework, debt issuances of all types are frequently structured through Luxembourg. In addition, the markets operated by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) are prominent in the listing and negotiation of debt instruments.

About Alaric Securities

Alaric Securities is a leading E.U. licensed broker-dealer and boutique investment banking house. With strong in-house technology, the company focuses on serving institutional and professional investors. Alaric has extensive market connectivity in Equities and Options that enables clients to access over 100 order routing destinations, including all U.S. exchanges, MTFs, and deep liquidity dark pools.

About Prudentia S.a.r.l

Prudentia S.a.r.l is a Luxemburg-based securitization vehicle focused on the design and issuance of structured investment products and special-purpose collateralized notes. The company creates tailor-made structured products for asset managers and wealth advisers as well as corporate debt securitizations.

For more information visit the website at https://prudentia.eu/